Are you having “Senior Moments” lately?

Ever stop and think about how those little memory lapses can mess with your day-to-day? Take a sec to answer these four quick questions and check where your head’s at.

Do you often lose stuff like your keys or glasses? Picture the hassle of misplacing things you need right when you need ‘em. That could be a sign your memory’s hollering for some help.

How often do you forget names or small details? Forgetting names or important details can be super awkward and mess with your relationships at work and in your personal life. Keeping your memory sharp is key for staying socially smooth.

Do you ever walk into a room and forget why you went there? We’ve all been there, but if it’s happening a lot, your brain might be on overload. Finding ways to boost your brainpower can help you dodge these annoying moments.

Are you worried about memory loss or dementia down the road? Worrying about the future is legit, and taking care of your mental health now is crucial for staying sharp as you age. Preventative steps and healthy habits can make all the difference.


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